Alternative Augmentative Communication Devices - Communication for all
A Non-Verbal Communicator is a person who speaks without using their vocal cords.
Everyone needs and deserves a way to communicate. Begin the process of alternative communication by finding a good fit for your non-verbal child. Whateve
Core boards are a great option for non-verbal children. There are low tech AAC devices and high tech AAC devices available. Be selective. Look for a high quality ASHA (American Speech Language Hearing Association) recommended AAC language board with few, if any, limitations.
Then, let it be THEIRS! The communication board is their voice and an extension of their body. Ask before you touch it, respect it, and above all listen to what children say through their communication board! Let them use it, play with it, get it dirty, and take it to the playground! Damage resistant and water proof cases are highly recommended.
Please visit the following links for more resources on how and where to obtain your own AAC devices. Remember, using an AAC device DOES NOT prevent your child from learning to speak verbally.